Talking about home testing for HIV

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28 people on pebl are talking about:

Are my results false negatives?

Hi, 3 weeks after possible exposure I started experiencing swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, oral...

False negative?

Hi, I tested HIV negative using biosure it was 22 weeks after a possible exposure. Although my...

Can anything influence my antibody production?

Hi there- I’ve taken so many tests recently it’s frightening. I have since taken three of your...

Might I have sticky antibodies?

I have done 2 Biosure self tests well outside the window period and both were negative. I am...

False negative worry

I had unprotected sex with a guy (I’m female) about 8 years ago. I didn’t have have any illness...

BioSure UK HIV Instant Test

I decided to order a HIV test postal kit with BioSure UK. The test arrived the next day and was...

Sticky Antibodies

I recently saw a post on this site about how ‘sticky antibodies’ can potentially cause false...

False Negatives

I recently did 2 biosure hiv self tests at 6 months. Only the control line was visible in both...

Confirm Negative?

Hello, I have taken a hiv self test this morning, it appears to be display a negative result but...

used 4 tests

Dear BioSure Team, I've used 4 BioSure tests so far: 1. After 28 days, 2.After 56 days, 3.After...

Maybe HIV Exposure

Hello I had sex with a prostitute around October 25 of 2019 when I was having sex with her the...

About 7 weeks ago

About 7 weeks ago I had sex with lady I met of an unknown status. The condom I used pulled out but...

Putting this behind me

Hi . Would firstly like to thank you for simply just being there this page has helped a lot......

I can't I understand my results

I did the test on 12 August and first line was light and second line was too dark and I can't I...

burst condom

Hi.. I had an experience of burst condom during my intercourse. After that I had some symptoms like...

extremely worried after 13 weeks

Hi I have 3 questions in one that has me scared. So a few months ago I was in a bad place...

Needle-stick injury and HIV Testing

I really need your HELP! I have put myself in the situation and I don't know exactly what to do....

The mind is a powerful thing

I know a lot of people will desperately be searching the Internet after a possible exposure looking...

4th gen ag/ab test at 43 days and 65 days

Hi have had symptoms 10-25 days post exposure vaginal sex rash disgorges chills lymph pain. Then...

Worries 93

Hi I have had 3 tests since possible exposure and would like to know the reliability of my...

Continuing symptoms

l had a relationship with a hiv positive for 3months.Then she decided to tell after 3months of...

My test results

Dear Sir, I am writing again for clarification. I know I have written before and your help has...

extreme anxiety

Hi, been suffering from very extreme anxiety for more than a year. It all started with a white...

ARS symptoms possible after 11 weeks?

I had a very brief sexual encounter (when I say brief, I mean no longer than 10-15 seconds) with a...

Test after 83 days

hi, I had unprotected oral sex (03/04/17). then after I had symptom like ARS. I took the test at...

I'm getting married in a week

I'm getting married in a week and due to the high stress, I got IBS. Even though I got the...

many still regard hiv as a death sentence

I had my very first hivselftest on 14th July 2016, I do test at gum clinics regularly. My partner...

HIV Self Test

I have only ever had 1 STI test in the past and have been overdue for about a month as it is so...